Monday, October 10, 2011

IM+ Pro for Android

IM+ Pro 3/5

Price: $9.99 or free today, Amazon App Store

IM+ Pro is a instant messenger hub, where you can sync all of your I am accounts. It Allows you to sign in to many different accounts at one time, all in one place. Here's a list of the different IM services you can add to your account: Skype, MSN, Facebook, Google Talk, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, VKontakte, Yandex IM, Jabber and MySpace.

IM+ Pro has a setting called, Google Push Mode. Google push mode allows IM+ Pro to run in the background in order to save battery power. This mood is activated upon exiting the IM+ program and it is active by default. So if you don't want it, all you have to  go in to settings and uncheck the google push mode

I like that you can have all of your instant messenger account in one place. It can get crazy having separate apps for each individual IM account. This is a very good app the brings harmony to the IM world.

That being said, I can't help but point out the $9.99 price for this app. $9.99 is way too much to pay for any app. If you don't get this today for free, then I wouldn't get it it all

I give IM+ Pro a 3 out of 5

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